Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak habis tahun 2011..gile skejap mase tuh berlalu..yg peliknye aku nampak muda je lg..haha! mesti sakit hati bace kn?kn?sabar ok..sapelah yg nak puji kalau bukan diri sdiri..
ok..ape nk cerite?pasal azam 2011 aku dgn dukacitanya nk bgtau aku gagal..berat x turun..masak pn bley dikire berape kali..hukhuk..sedihnye..malas la nak buat azam thn 2012..nnti gagal lagi..
Last day of 2011, aku bangun tdo lambat, bangun2 pegi setelkan hutang kat w1max..dah 3 bln xbyr rupenye..sbb tuh fb aku diam seribu bahasa..lepastu jalan sorang2 pergi beli cd..beli cd banyak gile tp bile sampai uma bukak www.maaduu.com layan cte korea online..oh perempuan..nafsu mu kalau x dibendung camni la jadinye..nampak bende semua nak beli..lepas layan korea tgk2 dah malam..ni la dia, kalau bangun lambat hari mu xberape nk bermakna..oleh itu bangun la pagi..banyak bende bley buat..
xtau la ape nk update lg?nnti la sambung cte lg..sorryla bazirkan mase korg utk bace post yg xbyk isi ni..haha!k.bye!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Study vs Working
Study; when u score 80% above you are excellent!
Working; if u score 80% you are not good enough..
Working is like u'r in an exam and expected to have perfect score!
Working is tiring, damn!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
So fast!
Hello everyone..today once again i would like to type a post in a fastest way which is type fastly like i've did before but in malay..today will be in english..so u can see how funny my english is..so what am i goin to write today??hurm..well, i never told u anything about my senior hv been transfered to her new office because she want to follow her husband..before this they live separately so they cant be so far from each other like the twilight movie..haha!what am i typing here?this is personal!
well, lets move on..so,now im all alone doing all the work that actually normally i will cooperate with her and assist her but now i hv to do it all alone which make me very afraid because before this she alwaaays find something wrong with my work..so i hv to make sure that all my work are correctly done..cn i do that??huh..thats hard to tell..
Currently im addicted in hearing the whole album from twilight movie(breaking dawn) which is sooo romantic make me suddenly so romantic too..haha!well, uall should try to hear the album it sso nice and this whole week i kept on playing the whole album while doin my work..i dont know whether thus album cn help me from not doing any mistake while working..duhh..
what else i would like to update..yes!im gaining a kg which make me so stress..so now im really on a diet..i eat a small amount of rice..very small amount and take a lot of lauk..yeah..i dont know what is lauk in english..so hope that u'll understand..including today so this is my third day of dieting and hopefully i can do it..yes!i can do it!
Well, dats all for now so i shud stop typing errors here..so many red colours line under my word..haha!at least i tried something new even though look stupid but who cares?well..gotta go..got a lot of work to do..type a new post soon..daa~
well, lets move on..so,now im all alone doing all the work that actually normally i will cooperate with her and assist her but now i hv to do it all alone which make me very afraid because before this she alwaaays find something wrong with my work..so i hv to make sure that all my work are correctly done..cn i do that??huh..thats hard to tell..
Currently im addicted in hearing the whole album from twilight movie(breaking dawn) which is sooo romantic make me suddenly so romantic too..haha!well, uall should try to hear the album it sso nice and this whole week i kept on playing the whole album while doin my work..i dont know whether thus album cn help me from not doing any mistake while working..duhh..
what else i would like to update..yes!im gaining a kg which make me so stress..so now im really on a diet..i eat a small amount of rice..very small amount and take a lot of lauk..yeah..i dont know what is lauk in english..so hope that u'll understand..including today so this is my third day of dieting and hopefully i can do it..yes!i can do it!
Well, dats all for now so i shud stop typing errors here..so many red colours line under my word..haha!at least i tried something new even though look stupid but who cares?well..gotta go..got a lot of work to do..type a new post soon..daa~
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Yuna na na na~
Ok..sape yg tak tengok AIM? I dont want to comment about anything else but only Yuna..yeah..
By the way i'm not really fan of Yuna..biase2 je la..so takde isu berat sebelah atau "oh..ko peminat Yuna patotla ko puji2 dia.."
1st sekali nk luahkan kat sini i'm impress with Yuna..from Myspace to around the World la beb..why i dont have any talent that can impress Malaysia?hu..jeles nye dgn Yuna..hukhuk!neway, Congratz!
2nd, bile bace kat tweet, adelah org x puas ati, why Yuna u wearing hijab like that?why that?why this?funny and whatsoever..ok la..come on..she is an artist la..need somethg yg menonjol..or maybe org akan ckp ala..pakai biase2 je x bley ke?pn cantik gak..actually sesuai dgn profesyen dia sbg artis, and nk bwat performance kan..so dia nk pkai cam sarang tebuan ke, sarang burung layang2 ke, well its ok as long as it suitable with the event she attend..laen la kalo g shopping complex pkai gitu kan..aku pn gelak gak..gelak guling2 mcm tenggiling..haha!
By the way i'm not really fan of Yuna..biase2 je la..so takde isu berat sebelah atau "oh..ko peminat Yuna patotla ko puji2 dia.."
1st sekali nk luahkan kat sini i'm impress with Yuna..from Myspace to around the World la beb..why i dont have any talent that can impress Malaysia?hu..jeles nye dgn Yuna..hukhuk!neway, Congratz!
2nd, bile bace kat tweet, adelah org x puas ati, why Yuna u wearing hijab like that?why that?why this?funny and whatsoever..ok la..come on..she is an artist la..need somethg yg menonjol..or maybe org akan ckp ala..pakai biase2 je x bley ke?pn cantik gak..actually sesuai dgn profesyen dia sbg artis, and nk bwat performance kan..so dia nk pkai cam sarang tebuan ke, sarang burung layang2 ke, well its ok as long as it suitable with the event she attend..laen la kalo g shopping complex pkai gitu kan..aku pn gelak gak..gelak guling2 mcm tenggiling..haha!
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i like this pic..he!sumber dari Google..ngee! Last skali, saku rase pelik dgn baju yg Najwa pakai..mcm pengawas..hikhik!ok sorry..lari duluuuuuu~~~vrooommmm!~ -end- |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I'm stress with myself
Walaupun hidup dah nak dekat 25 tahun, arrrrrgghh!!stress!!dah tua..isk2..rase mcm bru smlm lepas SPM!!tidaaakkk!!
ok..sambung balik..idup dah nk dekat 25 tahun tp still -aaaarrgghh!!stresss!!
umur hampir 25 tahun, aaaarggghh!tidak!tidak!
ehem..ok..sambung balik but skip the numbers part..tarik nafaaas,lepaaas...haaaaaafuhhhhh...
umur ditto TAPI.. still xbley control diri sendiri..yeay!berjaya abiskan ayat.. =D
Aku plan nak kurangkn berat badan or in other word nk kuruskan badan, tp xmampu jugak nak bwat! i can't control myself!! HELP! Ni azam tahun 2011 tau!! Tp dah nak ujung tahun nampak gaya mcm akan fail je!
Lagi kate nak kurus lagi banyak roti canai aku makan!Just imagine that for today Breakfast - 2 keping roti canai, Lunch - nasi lemak + ayam McD, Dinner - nasi 2 kali tambah + sambal udang, Supper - Ayam Goreng McD + half fillet o fish + fries + sundae coklat...kenape supper begitu banyak??
I did jogging every weekend, but after that i eat as usual..nasi lemak, roti canai..benci!benci!camne nk control diri ni?? It's not easy to stay fit..What should i do??
1. Beli jus mate 5?
2. Pergi gym?
3. Cari pakar pemakanan utk jage aku? or
4. Give a chance for myself to control itself?
the last suggestion seems to be free..hurmm...
Ok..lets choose the last one..I choose number 4!!
Starting from tomorrow, me Syanim will control myself by not eating so much food and make sure that my weight reduced until it reach the right figure..
ok..sambung balik..idup dah nk dekat 25 tahun tp still -aaaarrgghh!!stresss!!
umur hampir 25 tahun, aaaarggghh!tidak!tidak!
ehem..ok..sambung balik but skip the numbers part..tarik nafaaas,lepaaas...haaaaaafuhhhhh...
umur ditto TAPI.. still xbley control diri sendiri..yeay!berjaya abiskan ayat.. =D
Aku plan nak kurangkn berat badan or in other word nk kuruskan badan, tp xmampu jugak nak bwat! i can't control myself!! HELP! Ni azam tahun 2011 tau!! Tp dah nak ujung tahun nampak gaya mcm akan fail je!
Lagi kate nak kurus lagi banyak roti canai aku makan!Just imagine that for today Breakfast - 2 keping roti canai, Lunch - nasi lemak + ayam McD, Dinner - nasi 2 kali tambah + sambal udang, Supper - Ayam Goreng McD + half fillet o fish + fries + sundae coklat...kenape supper begitu banyak??
I did jogging every weekend, but after that i eat as usual..nasi lemak, roti canai..benci!benci!camne nk control diri ni?? It's not easy to stay fit..What should i do??
1. Beli jus mate 5?
2. Pergi gym?
3. Cari pakar pemakanan utk jage aku? or
4. Give a chance for myself to control itself?
the last suggestion seems to be free..hurmm...
Ok..lets choose the last one..I choose number 4!!
Starting from tomorrow, me Syanim will control myself by not eating so much food and make sure that my weight reduced until it reach the right figure..
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Its October!
Did u know that my birthday is on October?u didn't know???how could u!!hukhuk!
however, skrg dah tau kan birthday aku..so please go to the nearest mall and find somethg for my birthday present..ngahaha!
Besides that, i also want to share with u, di bulan October ni jugaklah lahirnya anak sedare aku - Adam Muizz..alo..kucikucikuci!
By looking at this picture what will be ur first impression agaknye kan??haha! Tak boleh lupe, kalo jumpe mesti nak ketawe sampai senak2 perut cam wat sit up je..
Now we all grown up..bkn Deeya je bestfriend aku..i got the other 2, Jiebah and Syaz..when in JB we always hang out together..so, bile time blajar kat Perak, Shah Alam, that was the time when we were separated but still not forget each other..now one of us engaged and 3 left..so turn sape plak lpas ni kn?jengjengjeng!
Dear BFFs, i hope that we will always be friend and never forget each other.. even though i never post about u guys in this blog that i called unfamous diary, u are always in my heart..i always wanted to write somethg about u guys here, but i dont know where to start?there's a lot to tell about..so this must be the beginning..he!
Dear Deeya, u are my best buddies, walaupun perkenalan kita adalah ketika ko menyebabkan aku di rotan cikgu sains sbb ko suroh aku announce kat kelas ckp xde kelas, tp aku xpernah menyimpan dendam,and its the funniest memory ever..happy birthday beb!we're getting older!!arrghh!stress!!
Did u know that my birthday is on October?u didn't know???how could u!!hukhuk!
however, skrg dah tau kan birthday aku..so please go to the nearest mall and find somethg for my birthday present..ngahaha!
Besides that, i also want to share with u, di bulan October ni jugaklah lahirnya anak sedare aku - Adam Muizz..alo..kucikucikuci!
Juga lahirnye my best friend!! Deeya, we are best friend since Standard 5 ok..lame tuh..this is the only picture that i have in my laptop..zaman dolu2 mane ade hp camera lg..time tuh anak2 org kaye je yg pkai hp canggih manggih ni.. i wonder this pic was taken by whom huh?x ingatlah..
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we were both young when i first saw u~ |
Now we all grown up..bkn Deeya je bestfriend aku..i got the other 2, Jiebah and Syaz..when in JB we always hang out together..so, bile time blajar kat Perak, Shah Alam, that was the time when we were separated but still not forget each other..now one of us engaged and 3 left..so turn sape plak lpas ni kn?jengjengjeng!
jangan tungu lama2..nanti lama2..dia diambil orang~ |
Dear BFFs, i hope that we will always be friend and never forget each other.. even though i never post about u guys in this blog that i called unfamous diary, u are always in my heart..i always wanted to write somethg about u guys here, but i dont know where to start?there's a lot to tell about..so this must be the beginning..he!
Dear Deeya, u are my best buddies, walaupun perkenalan kita adalah ketika ko menyebabkan aku di rotan cikgu sains sbb ko suroh aku announce kat kelas ckp xde kelas, tp aku xpernah menyimpan dendam,and its the funniest memory ever..happy birthday beb!we're getting older!!arrghh!stress!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Yo whats up!selalunye kalau type post mesti akan pikir lame2 dan tekan back banyak kali..juga ade termenung lame2 memikirkan ayat ape yg plg sesuai nak bg org paham in the end org tak paham jugak ape aku cakap..
hari ni aku nak type post ni tanpa tekan backspace dan tanpa bepikiran panjang..maka oleh itu akan berlaku kesilapan ejaan atau ayat yg salah mungkin anda tak paham..
sekarang ni saya berada di opis wpn sudah pukul (tgk jam jap) 6.25ptg tp still tak balik uma lagi..keje ade berlambak depan mate (alamak tertekan backspace) tp tgk blog org dah lebih sejam membazir mase kat opis padahal kat umah ad e tenet..nampak x salah eja tuh original tau bukan buat2..
takde ape lg nak cite cume rase lapo and rase nak merayap tp kawan takde, ade kawan tp dia takde duit nak kuar aku pn takde duit nak support dia..huhu..mcm mane ni?terpakselah duduk uma lgpn duit aku pn tak banyak tp rase nak merayap jugak la..adoyai..
takpelah..sampai di sini sahaja saya mnype post ini dgn kelajuan 140km/jam sgt laju tanpa tekan backspace atau termenung lame2 nak pk ayat..so korang aopahanm x ape aku cite ni?yg salah eja tuh nak ckp 'paham x ape aku cite'?ok..kalo tak paham beramakasud aku gagal..haha!
o..eh?apoe aku type ni makin banyak salah plak..oklah..saya ingin meminta diri..semoga anda paham ape aku cube smpaikan..tattitiuutu..
hari ni aku nak type post ni tanpa tekan backspace dan tanpa bepikiran panjang..maka oleh itu akan berlaku kesilapan ejaan atau ayat yg salah mungkin anda tak paham..
sekarang ni saya berada di opis wpn sudah pukul (tgk jam jap) 6.25ptg tp still tak balik uma lagi..keje ade berlambak depan mate (alamak tertekan backspace) tp tgk blog org dah lebih sejam membazir mase kat opis padahal kat umah ad e tenet..nampak x salah eja tuh original tau bukan buat2..
takde ape lg nak cite cume rase lapo and rase nak merayap tp kawan takde, ade kawan tp dia takde duit nak kuar aku pn takde duit nak support dia..huhu..mcm mane ni?terpakselah duduk uma lgpn duit aku pn tak banyak tp rase nak merayap jugak la..adoyai..
takpelah..sampai di sini sahaja saya mnype post ini dgn kelajuan 140km/jam sgt laju tanpa tekan backspace atau termenung lame2 nak pk ayat..so korang aopahanm x ape aku cite ni?yg salah eja tuh nak ckp 'paham x ape aku cite'?ok..kalo tak paham beramakasud aku gagal..haha!
o..eh?apoe aku type ni makin banyak salah plak..oklah..saya ingin meminta diri..semoga anda paham ape aku cube smpaikan..tattitiuutu..
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Raya 2011
Hello and Selamat Hari Raya..
Dah sebulan tak update blog ni kan..normal la tuh..today is the 3rd raya..1st raye balik kampung macam halilintar pegi rumah sedara mara skejap2 je then balik jB on the same day..some says "boringnye kau punye raye.." Do you think my Raya is boring..for me its NOT..boring lagi duk rumah org lame2 kan?kan?kan?
2nd raya pegi jusco and the 3rd Raya pegi City Square..tibe rase menyesal beli baju kurung 2-3 helai last2 beraye sehari je..duhh..
Dah 24 thn beraye, inilah kali pertamanye aku belajar buat kuih raye..Buat 3 jenis tau..Kuih cornflakes,cornflakes madu, & kuih nestum..Paling senang nak buat kuih cornflakes madu yg pada asalnye ingatkan just gaul2 cornflakes ngan madu but actually u have to prepare some butter and brown sugar..mcm mane pn, time ovenkan kuih tuh sepuluh round, sepuluh2 tuh jugakla aku tak ingat nak kuarkan kuih..kalau buat sorg2 konfem semua kuih gelap2 kaler dia..mujur bwat ngan kawan opis, otak dia cam jam loceng..fuhh..
Nak tengok ke kuih tuh?Tak payahlah tunjuk gambar kn, kalau nak tgk datang lah rumah..hikhik!However i felt that its better to buy then buat sendiri..penat tau!!especially bile part mengemas..
Ok..berbalik kepada raya..i did post my raya picture in my FB if u wanna see more..ni la baju raye saye kaler ijau..btw, gigi saya nampak kemas dalam gambar ni..haha! Sebenarnye nak share story pasal selendang yg aku pkai..this is satin shawls bought for RM16 kat Bazaar JB..dapat harga rm16 tuh pn sbb tukang jual tersasul ckp bley kurang smpai RM15,after fight,then last harge bley bg RM16..hehe!if u think this shawls can be cheaper than RM16 please raise ur hand..rase RM10 pn bley dapat kot, saje je kdekot nak untung lebih kn?bwek!
Malam sebelum raye mesti try dulu..Penat belit2 tudung ni..GILE SUSAH NAK PAKAI..AAARGGHH!!kalau nk suro ak pkai mcm Hana Tajima tuh mmg la tak sesuai..kurangnye keyakinan diri nk pkai stylo mylo camtuh..i thougt satin shawls boleh dipakai mcm selendang biase..mmg boleh pn, tp rase mcm nak tercekik,panas lg..then after try so hard, i found my own way to wear satin shawls which is xrase tercekik, xpanas, dan sewaktu dgnnye..Nasib baik la dah try mlm raya, so pagi raye before gerak xdela nak ngadap cermin berjam2..kalo tak konfem2 lambat siap pastu kene bebel ngan bapak aku..fuhh..
BTW, do i have to make a video?ala..malas r..lgpn bukan lawo sgt pn, nampak biase2 je pn kan..kan..saje nak share kejayaan pkai satin shawls tanpa perlu menjadi pelik..hee!
Esok nak pergi kL jumpe Iki..yeay!!There is nothing left to say..Before end up this post, just want to say Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir dan Batin..will update later IF there is interesting story to tell ya..daaaa~
Dah sebulan tak update blog ni kan..normal la tuh..today is the 3rd raya..1st raye balik kampung macam halilintar pegi rumah sedara mara skejap2 je then balik jB on the same day..some says "boringnye kau punye raye.." Do you think my Raya is boring..for me its NOT..boring lagi duk rumah org lame2 kan?kan?kan?
2nd raya pegi jusco and the 3rd Raya pegi City Square..tibe rase menyesal beli baju kurung 2-3 helai last2 beraye sehari je..duhh..
Dah 24 thn beraye, inilah kali pertamanye aku belajar buat kuih raye..Buat 3 jenis tau..Kuih cornflakes,cornflakes madu, & kuih nestum..Paling senang nak buat kuih cornflakes madu yg pada asalnye ingatkan just gaul2 cornflakes ngan madu but actually u have to prepare some butter and brown sugar..mcm mane pn, time ovenkan kuih tuh sepuluh round, sepuluh2 tuh jugakla aku tak ingat nak kuarkan kuih..kalau buat sorg2 konfem semua kuih gelap2 kaler dia..mujur bwat ngan kawan opis, otak dia cam jam loceng..fuhh..
Nak tengok ke kuih tuh?Tak payahlah tunjuk gambar kn, kalau nak tgk datang lah rumah..hikhik!However i felt that its better to buy then buat sendiri..penat tau!!especially bile part mengemas..
Ok..berbalik kepada raya..i did post my raya picture in my FB if u wanna see more..ni la baju raye saye kaler ijau..btw, gigi saya nampak kemas dalam gambar ni..haha! Sebenarnye nak share story pasal selendang yg aku pkai..this is satin shawls bought for RM16 kat Bazaar JB..dapat harga rm16 tuh pn sbb tukang jual tersasul ckp bley kurang smpai RM15,after fight,then last harge bley bg RM16..hehe!if u think this shawls can be cheaper than RM16 please raise ur hand..rase RM10 pn bley dapat kot, saje je kdekot nak untung lebih kn?bwek!
BTW, do i have to make a video?ala..malas r..lgpn bukan lawo sgt pn, nampak biase2 je pn kan..kan..saje nak share kejayaan pkai satin shawls tanpa perlu menjadi pelik..hee!
Esok nak pergi kL jumpe Iki..yeay!!There is nothing left to say..Before end up this post, just want to say Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir dan Batin..will update later IF there is interesting story to tell ya..daaaa~
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Pengalaman Hidup..hehe!
Sebagai seorang wanita anda pasti suka menjaga kecantikan..
kalau boleh nak muda sentiasa, xnak nampak tua..
Bagi yang muka bermasalah..mesti cari mcm2 jenis produk utk hilangkan masalah2 yg ade kat muka tuh..
Tapi..sanggupkah anda menjadi cantik dengan membayar lebih?habiskan beribu2 ringgit?
bagi yg ber-wang, of course lah sanggup kan..
mcm mane bg org yg baru keje setahun..?are u willing to sacrifice your money??mesti ramai kate, kalau muka teruk ape salahnye kan??
but in MY case..i dont hv any major problem on my face..masalah2 biase je..blackhead, whitehead, warne kulit x sekate,liang roma terbuka..which is NOT a big problem at all..i know most of the people out there facing the same skin problem as i do..

Even in this pic, u can see uneven skin tone..which i dont need to spend thousand Ringgit for these kind of problem..
Malangnye, saya telah terjebak utk membuat satu rawatan muke yg berharga around RM3k..ok..that is not CHEAP!!saye menyesal..
This is what happen..i was plan to watch X-men with my office-mate, lepas beli ticket lalu depan kedai kecantikan Adeline..ya..u all know, pekerja kat situ suke bwat promotion, tarik2 ajak masuk kedai..then kene basuh..ckp muke u kedut,badan u gemok, mari sini saye ade promotion blablabla~
i know, i dont need this treatment..confirm mahal..xmampu..or even mampu pn, i still dont need this..boleh pergi shopping lg best..but it getting worse..saye terpedaya dan setuju utk facial percubaan that only cost RM100 somethg..but its ok..i can afford it..
Then puan2, wanita2 sekalian, dia bwk ak masuk bilik, suruh aku buat facial treatment that cost RM3k..that one after discount ley..kalo tak harge dia RM6k..sekarang tgh promotion..better cepat!zero % installment..wow!menarik..u can swipe for 24 months..monthly only RM100 somethg..berbaloi utk dptkan kulit yg cantik..they will pampered u 2 hours lebih..include facial product..free eye treatment lg..i janji 100% muke u x akan ade liang terbuka..mesti buat keputusan sekarang!now!-wow!wow!and wow!yeah..kate nafsuku..
then i gave my card..but they swiped for 12 months instead of 24 months..TIPU!!!but what should i do?they swiped already..then sign aje lo..lepas kluar kedai 10 tapak tibe2 rase menyesal..siap konfius?td ak swipe 3k ke 2k???duhh..
I thought to cancel the transaction, and came to the boutique once again the next day in the morning..siap tunggu depan kedai tunggu kedai bukak..bring my parents too..i was thinking that, i still haven't used their product nor their services..bank said- u got 1 week mase bertenang, so within the week u may go on or cancel the purchasing..BUT, they (Adeline) wont let me cancel it..damn!aku siap pergi Tribunal Pengguna ok..tp x fight smpai abis..coz naik penat dah..asyik masuk ofis lambat je..kpale otak pn x ley fokus buat kerja..plus i did signed the contract..which make me think - aku boleh menang ke ni??hukhuk..
Yeah..so here i am..have to bear the cost..give them a chance coz they asked for it..kt tgk la,betol ke tidak ko pnye 100% liang roma tertutup..?!However, i am sad coz my 3k terbang begitu sahaja..
What am i going to say here..i regret ok..but have to..so for the girl out there..sekarang mmg banyak gile org gile duit..muke kau takde masalah pn dia akan ckp muke ko bermasalah..janji dia dapat duit..girls mmg senang terpengaruh..yeah..especially a girl like me..haha!why?why?punah harapan nak pergi bercuti!!isk2..lastly, try to control ur nafsu girl..
In a positive way, i love to be pampered, i also like all those beauty care like spas, facial since i was a student..i always wish that one day i will go this place and want them to treat me like im a princess..and here i am..tadaaaa!!
So, i will give a testimoni after i done all the treatment..thats all..will write again later..
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Confident is all i need..
Hello everyone!! how r u?long time no see..miss my post? =D ( crickets sound)

The above shows how lonely my blog is..name pun the diary of the unfamous kan?who is going to read it anyway??I even follow others blog privately so that people wont discover my blog..i dont even put my blog's address in facebook..i just dont simply tell anyone that i have a blog..and that is because im so so so not confident with myself..
Then my friend asked me to expose my blog like others..kau kena confident!ni la orang melayu x confident sbb tuh senang2 kene tindas dengan orang bangsa lain!<----isu perkauman di sini..
Now let me tell u why i'm sooooo not confident with myself:

1. sebab saye x secantik, se-sexy,se-famous,se-semanis senyuman Megan Fox..walaupun Megan Fox bukan blogger tp suke aku la nk bg dia sbg contoh..
2. Writing saya macam sampah..suke buat ayat2 SMS (x = tak, xde = tak ade, etc) serta merosakkan bahasa Melayu ( cth seperti point No 1 di atas)..cikgu Bahasa Melayu pasti marah.. sorry cikgu.. =(
3. Takde panggilan pengganti name yg tetap..kejap aku, kejap i, kejap saye..
4. Bila aku tulis blog aku akan berfikir, and it takes about 1 hour to bina ayat yg sesuai dan saye x gemar berfikir..lalu tekan backspace backspace backspace trus tekan pangkah dan tido!
5. Org kate "ala..ko banyak kan letak gambar..gambar2 sexy ke." Ingin saye katekan di sini:
a) saye x sexy
b) saye bukan camwhore tanpa iki.. =(
c) saye xde digital camera, camera dlsr,ldsr,sdlr??argghh..whatever..i dont hv any of it!
5. Tiade ape yg menarik hari ini, hari esok, tulat dan seterusnye..aktiviti yg saye slalu buat adelah:
dan sekarang saye banyak abiskan mase di....
so..should i or should not i expose my blog??
i should..
i should not!
i should..
no u wont!!
why can't i??
becoz if u do that ur blog turn from unfamous to famous!!
and that was the story why i didnt expose my blog until now..
- the end -
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Menjerit Season 4..
Ok..sape yg dah tengok menjerit season 4 ni??
Dia takde kaitan dengan cerita kL menjerit k..
erm..malas la nak buat quiz2 ni..
so..here it is..

Setelah 2 minggu plan nak tengok cerita ni, baru hari ni dapat tengok..
Starting je dah sick!!dia cucuk tang sana, dia cucuk tang sini..
bukan cucuk2 buat susuk tau..ni cucuk kasi mati punye..
saya sarankan, sebelum anda tonton cerita ni..sila print gambar2 pelakon and then pangkahkan watak yg anda rasa akan mati sambil memikirkan siapakah suspek utamanya..
seriously mmg tak sangka smpai kan korang akan cakap "lor..engkau ker pembunuhnye??chet!"<-------- ini adalah clue..hehe!
takdelah nak cakap cerita ni best sangat..tp cukup untuk buat kepale aku pening time keluar wayang..berpinar2 dibuatnye..
Moral dalam cerita ni, jangan ingat muke baik, kau ingat dia baik k.. =D
Monday, May 2, 2011
hehe!start2 post dah gelak..sbb excited dah tukar background blog..cam budak2 la kan..whatever..i like it..ngee!however, xde benda yg nak ditulis hari ni..so, see ya next time.. =D
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Oh Papa!
bunyi bell memecah kesunyian..
ala..sapelah kacau aku nak relax-relax ujung minggu ni..duhh..
(jalan kedek2 lalu buka pintu)
syanim: yes?cari sape?
Tetamu: Saya org yg tinggal tingkat sembilan, ayah ade?
syanim: xde..nanti dia dah balik saye bgtau awk cari dia k..
GEDEBUSH!!aku tutup pintu..
eh..xla..xde la tutup kuat gitu..saje je buat sound effect over.. =P
Malam itu, bila papa ku pulang
Syanim: Papa, td ade org tingkat sembilan cari papa..
Papa: huh?ade org cari papa nak ikan sembilang?
Syanim: LOL! duhhh~oh papa..what happen to your ears?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The antidote of my miserable
How is my blog doing?yeah..i'm talking with my blog..not to u..
Call me crazy, i don't care..coz i got a strength when i met them..
Them, not damn la..hehe!
let me show u..
This is 'them' hehe!
there is another one but i dont want to expose it now..malu la..hikhik!
30th March was Iki's Birthday, so i decided to celebrate her birthday with a surprise..
I went there not really on her birthday, coz it's working day..working is not like school, u cannot suke suki-ly ponteng2..got it?
so i take half day Friday afternoon and take a bus to kL without iki knowing it..
it's a plan between me and Misuri..
I was hiding at the back of the front seat covered up with blanket..
But then the problem came, where we didnt planed when should i get up..until Misuri SMS me and said "bile kau nak keluar?" haha!
then i try to get up, susah gile, sempit, bontot tersekat..but i try my best and then sit properly at the back..lepas dah duduk pun x plan, nak buat ape dah pasni?
then misuri make a move, "iki tolong ambik beg aku kat belakang"
then iki saw me..like..Tadddaaaaa!Syanim is here!!hehe!
Then we went to have fun at Sunway Pyramid, eat at Wendy and play joget2 at the Arcade..
Dah puas main we went to iki's house and celebrate Iki's birthday..
weeee~Happy Birthday sayangs..hope that ur wish will come true..nampak macam sedut lilin instead of tiup lilin kan?haha!
I have so much fun..pegi karoke, shopping together, laughing and sharing all of my miserable when i'm not with you..it reliefs me..
u both r beautiful..luv u guys..muahh!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Petua di Tempat Kerja
For the first time aku nak bagi petua dalam post aku..
So baik korang semua baca sebab bukan senang aku nak bagi petua..
Especially bg org yang dah bekerja, yg tgh cari kerja, atau tak lame nak masuk tempat kerja baru..
Tak semestinye petua ni utk org bekerja, orang yang tak bekerja pun boleh, yg tgh belajar tak kire di dalam atau di luar negara..Tapi ape yg aku nak tekankan dekat sini adalah utk org yg bekerja memandangkan aku berada di alam pekerjaan..
Ade banyak petua di tempat kerja, contohnye bace la doa sebelum start buat keje..
Pakai baju yg selesa kalau tak kau duduk buat keje nampak spender la, butang terbukak la, baju terketat susah nak bernafas, etc..xperlu elaborate lebih2..
Ape yg aku nak tekan kan di sini, sebizi mane pun kamu di tempat kerja (sebizi = se-busy=sesibuk) anda hendaklah senyum..lebih2 lagi pagi2 bile sampai opis tu, jangan la buat muke kerut..Rakan2 kerja di sebelah anda pasti rase tak enak dengan kehadiran muka anda yg begitu..
Bayangkan lah pagi2 mood nak start keje terus merundum tgk kawan sekerja duduk sebelah2, depan2 muke berkerut2 sampai kite pun takut nak tegur sebab takot2 dapat penyepak..Oleh itu, Senyumlah..sesungguhnya senyum itu adalah sedekah..
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Baby of March
Hari ni birthday papa ku yg ke -62.. hehe! x bley tunjuk besar2..malu dia nanti..haha!
Kami sekeluarga menyambutnye di Pizza Hut je atas permintaan birthday boy itu td..eh, tak boleh panggil boy..birthday man..
Puas aku pikir nak bagi adiah ape la kat bapak aku ni, then came this idea..
yeah..camtu la gambarannye..
Lalu berbincang lah kami adik beradik nak beli handphone ape?budget berape?then adik aku yang pegi beli..Sony Ericsson Spiro..

Sangat ringan..kalo jatuh kocek pun tak perasan..weeee~
Kami sekeluarga menyambutnye di Pizza Hut je atas permintaan birthday boy itu td..eh, tak boleh panggil boy..birthday man..
Puas aku pikir nak bagi adiah ape la kat bapak aku ni, then came this idea..

Lalu berbincang lah kami adik beradik nak beli handphone ape?budget berape?then adik aku yang pegi beli..Sony Ericsson Spiro..

Sangat ringan..kalo jatuh kocek pun tak perasan..weeee~
Then aku pun Google perihal2 handphone Spiro ini..amat mendukacite kan..ramai org komplen pasal hp ni..majoriti kate x bagus.. =(
Sekali lagi aku ingatkan, hp ni adik aku yg pilih..bukan aku..so, kt nantikan komplen dari bapa ku pula selepas ini..
Moral of the story : Sebelum beli barang pergi Google and dapatkan review dari org ramai..
BTW, there's no picture taken during the celebration..i wonder why??probably everybody is soooo hungry and forgot about it..duhh..
Sekali lagi aku ingatkan, hp ni adik aku yg pilih..bukan aku..so, kt nantikan komplen dari bapa ku pula selepas ini..
Moral of the story : Sebelum beli barang pergi Google and dapatkan review dari org ramai..
BTW, there's no picture taken during the celebration..i wonder why??probably everybody is soooo hungry and forgot about it..duhh..
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
try test with vivaz pro..
It has been three month i used VivAz pRO aNd I never tried to write a post using thiS PHONE..AS U CAN SEE, i WRITE witH bOTH lARgE AND sMALL FONt..i DOnT KNoW HOW tO SEt THE fONt SIZE..Huhu..wEll, nOTHiNG tO SAY hERE, iTS lUNCh TIME At kOPITIAm..AARRRGGGhhh..TENSION nYE!CAMNE nK bTOLKAn FoNT DiA nI?i WIll WrITE aGAIN LAtER..
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars (Boyce Avenue acoustic/piano cover)
What do u think about this song??cool tak?at first Misuri yg kenalkan Boyce Avenue ni..so, thanks Misuri.kini saye sudah menjadi peminat mereka...weeee~ok..jom kt dengar lagi sekali sebelum pegi tido.. =)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Kenangan Terindah
Perasan tak??
Sejak tahun baru ni cam rajin plak nak post2 kat blog ni..
Kalau tak sebulan sekali je aku update..hehe!
Just want to share with u friend a few pictures from facebook..
tgh boring2 so usha2 la gambo dulu2 kale.. (jap ckp omputeh,jap mlayu..haish!)
then terkenanglah zaman2 time blajar dulu..
rase mcm x caye je dah masuk alam pekerjaan..
muke pun rase cam dah kakak2 je..

ok2..berbalik kpd cerite zaman belajar..Class 6B mmg the BEST!
kite org pergi sambut raye same-same..
Bercuti kat PD sambil buat aktiviti explorace..hikhik!
hambik kau aku bg tepung jagung..
hah..lagi satu..hambik kau bawang putih..hahahah!(ketawe jahat)
Pergi panjat gunung..ke bukit huh??aku rase cam gunung je..sbb x larat nak daki..haha!
hah..yg ni gambar time pergi mandi air terjun ngan budak kelas..berkonvoi la kami reramai..pastu ade la gambo posing kat kete yg dinaiki masing2..maka terjadi lah gambar ni..
Posing kau main lg..cam hot sgt je..haha!sexy x??especially yg ujung kanan tuh..tengah berangan syampu rambut kat air terjun ke ape??
tuh yg sebelah aku tuh plak, cube nak menonjolkan punggungnye..malangnye tiade..hahahah!ok..sory..tp mmg kelakar la wei..
ok..next gambar..
ni hah selipar aku, sesedap ati je nak pkai..cam geli tgk bulu2 kaki yg ade..pastu pkai selipar pempuan bersaiz kecil ni (mengaku plak size kecik kan??)..time tuh cam nak menjerit je "rosak la weii selipar aku..!!"
gud news is, x rosak pun, bad news is - selipar ni ilang kat mesjid..isk2..tergamak kamu wahai pencuri mencuri di tenpat2 suci begitu?? =(
Gambar yg ni mmg aku salute gile la..camne ko bley terjun camni wahai Misuri??bahaye siot..kalo aku edit buat2 cam ko berpaut kat tali2 pokok, sebijik tarzan beb..malangnye malam ni aku malas nak edit.. =D
eh?bwh kau tuh kepale siape huh??perghh..boleh sewel kejap kalau ko mendarat atas dia..bahaye2..
Next, the best moment ever became a tragedy..ko dah syok berenang..terjun sane..terjun sini..
pastu bile nak balik baru prasan x bwk sluar lebih..hahaha!
dahtu?xkan nak balik pkai towel je kan??syahdu gile..sembunyi lah kau kat blakang pasu tuh..hahahha! (isk2..x baiknye gelakkan org)
aku x paham nape mi nak cucuk mate aku??aku pun xpaham iki tgh watpe tuh??mcm melepaskan angin pn ade..ATAU mungkin misuri cube nak cucuk lubang idung aku, menyelamatkan aku dr udara yg tak segar..erm.. =P
Lastly, this is 6B..segalanya dalam kenangan..the best class ever!!
wwooooooo!!! ops..silap trademark..
but suddenly i realize..nape kt xbergambar ramai2 camni time konvo??why?why?
ok..biar aku jwb..sbb ramai gile org..sesak, panas, mak bapak smua tension berhempet-hempet-an, kene balik uma cepat sbb sok keje..
yes..i am an understanding person..
i knew that already..
Student life was so fun..i really miss it..
Sejak tahun baru ni cam rajin plak nak post2 kat blog ni..
Kalau tak sebulan sekali je aku update..hehe!
Just want to share with u friend a few pictures from facebook..
tgh boring2 so usha2 la gambo dulu2 kale.. (jap ckp omputeh,jap mlayu..haish!)
then terkenanglah zaman2 time blajar dulu..
rase mcm x caye je dah masuk alam pekerjaan..
muke pun rase cam dah kakak2 je..
tgk ni..
muke adik2..
muke adik2..

ok2..berbalik kpd cerite zaman belajar..Class 6B mmg the BEST!

hambik kau aku bg tepung jagung..

Pergi panjat gunung..ke bukit huh??aku rase cam gunung je..sbb x larat nak daki..haha!
hah..yg ni gambar time pergi mandi air terjun ngan budak kelas..berkonvoi la kami reramai..pastu ade la gambo posing kat kete yg dinaiki masing2..maka terjadi lah gambar ni..

tuh yg sebelah aku tuh plak, cube nak menonjolkan punggungnye..malangnye tiade..hahahah!ok..sory..tp mmg kelakar la wei..
ok..next gambar..

gud news is, x rosak pun, bad news is - selipar ni ilang kat mesjid..isk2..tergamak kamu wahai pencuri mencuri di tenpat2 suci begitu?? =(
Gambar yg ni mmg aku salute gile la..camne ko bley terjun camni wahai Misuri??bahaye siot..kalo aku edit buat2 cam ko berpaut kat tali2 pokok, sebijik tarzan beb..malangnye malam ni aku malas nak edit.. =D

eh?bwh kau tuh kepale siape huh??perghh..boleh sewel kejap kalau ko mendarat atas dia..bahaye2..
Next, the best moment ever became a tragedy..ko dah syok berenang..terjun sane..terjun sini..
pastu bile nak balik baru prasan x bwk sluar lebih..hahaha!

wwooooooo!!! ops..silap trademark..
but suddenly i realize..nape kt xbergambar ramai2 camni time konvo??why?why?
ok..biar aku jwb..sbb ramai gile org..sesak, panas, mak bapak smua tension berhempet-hempet-an, kene balik uma cepat sbb sok keje..
yes..i am an understanding person..
i knew that already..

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Nafsu oh nafsu..
Somebody Please Help me!!!
Aku dah jadik gile selendang..asal bukak tenet je mesti nak usha org jual selendang..
pastu mate jadik rambang..pantang nampak available mesti nak beli..
dahlah tuh kalo nak beli tak bley berpatah balik..mesti beli! No cancel2..
Last2 beli selendang harge lebih dari harge baju..
pastu dalam gambar cantik, dah dapat x cantik, mule lah nak komplen..dah komplen2 pastu x layan..
time nak beli kau main manis mulut..cam best customer forever..cis!
what happen to me??boros gile siot..
Bulan ni je habis RM80 beli selendang sahaja..
Lepas tuh minggu ni ingat nak belajar masak, dah x mampu nak beli bahan2 nak masak..
takkan spend rm80 beli selendang dah bancrupt??alasan..
owh ye..lupe nak gtau..minggu lepas beli kain kat Jakel, promosi bola sepak, beli 4 percume 2..
6 pasang hambik kau! pastu kain cotton sepasang rm29 less 50%..
pastu kain banyak2 ko xkan nak wat batu seremban kan??
nak kene hantar pegi jahit..
baru siap sehelai..sekali buat RM50..ko kire r sendiri..isk2..
betapa boros nye aku..owh nafsu..kenape kau susah dikawal??
Itu tak termasuk nafsu yg membuak2 nak pergi bercuti..
Lg2 dapat kawan asyik cite nak pergi bercuti je keje dia..(u know who)
Plan ajak datang jB, pastu g Singapore jalan2..
pastu baru terpikir la, eh?aku tak tau jalan g Singapore la wei..
tak pasal2 dapat task kene study peta ke ape yg patut pasal Singapore..
tak abis tuh, plan nak g Krabi Island kat Thailand..

Tengok ni..siap google..cantik ke x cantik??
Dahlah suke gile ngan pulau..pastu ko plan lg nak g sini??
Nak pergi!!nak! nak!
Bukan tuh je..siap plan nak g Australia??!!
Google lg ape ade kat Australia..

comel ke x comel??jawab!jawab!
skrg tanye diri sendiri..
syanim: nk pergi ke x??
nafsu syanim: nak!!
syanim:ade duit ke x??
nafsu syanim: takde..weee~
syanim: abis tuh camne nak pergi??
nafsu syanim: Simpan duit.. sob..sob.. =(
Syanim: btol bley simpan duit ni??
nafsu Syanim: err..betol..err..x btol..err..confius??
Syanim: tak dulik!!we must sacrifice something to get something!!
nafsu Syanim: err..baiklah..
ok..skrg angkat tangan kanan!bersedia!
lepas ni saye Nur Syanim tidak akan menjadi boros untuk pergi bercuti bersame kawan2 tercinta..
Aku dah jadik gile selendang..asal bukak tenet je mesti nak usha org jual selendang..
pastu mate jadik rambang..pantang nampak available mesti nak beli..
dahlah tuh kalo nak beli tak bley berpatah balik..mesti beli! No cancel2..
Last2 beli selendang harge lebih dari harge baju..
pastu dalam gambar cantik, dah dapat x cantik, mule lah nak komplen..dah komplen2 pastu x layan..
time nak beli kau main manis mulut..cam best customer forever..cis!
what happen to me??boros gile siot..
Bulan ni je habis RM80 beli selendang sahaja..
Lepas tuh minggu ni ingat nak belajar masak, dah x mampu nak beli bahan2 nak masak..
takkan spend rm80 beli selendang dah bancrupt??alasan..
owh ye..lupe nak gtau..minggu lepas beli kain kat Jakel, promosi bola sepak, beli 4 percume 2..
6 pasang hambik kau! pastu kain cotton sepasang rm29 less 50%..
pastu kain banyak2 ko xkan nak wat batu seremban kan??
nak kene hantar pegi jahit..
baru siap sehelai..sekali buat RM50..ko kire r sendiri..isk2..
betapa boros nye aku..owh nafsu..kenape kau susah dikawal??
Itu tak termasuk nafsu yg membuak2 nak pergi bercuti..
Lg2 dapat kawan asyik cite nak pergi bercuti je keje dia..(u know who)
Plan ajak datang jB, pastu g Singapore jalan2..
pastu baru terpikir la, eh?aku tak tau jalan g Singapore la wei..
tak pasal2 dapat task kene study peta ke ape yg patut pasal Singapore..
tak abis tuh, plan nak g Krabi Island kat Thailand..

Dahlah suke gile ngan pulau..pastu ko plan lg nak g sini??
Nak pergi!!nak! nak!
Bukan tuh je..siap plan nak g Australia??!!
Google lg ape ade kat Australia..

comel ke x comel??jawab!jawab!
skrg tanye diri sendiri..
syanim: nk pergi ke x??
nafsu syanim: nak!!
syanim:ade duit ke x??
nafsu syanim: takde..weee~
syanim: abis tuh camne nak pergi??
nafsu syanim: Simpan duit.. sob..sob.. =(
Syanim: btol bley simpan duit ni??
nafsu Syanim: err..betol..err..x btol..err..confius??
Syanim: tak dulik!!we must sacrifice something to get something!!
nafsu Syanim: err..baiklah..
ok..skrg angkat tangan kanan!bersedia!
lepas ni saye Nur Syanim tidak akan menjadi boros untuk pergi bercuti bersame kawan2 tercinta..
Sunday, January 2, 2011
A Fresh Start of a New Year
Sungguh panjang tajuk aku hari ni..
Esok merupakan hari pertama atau permulaan baru untuk tahun baru..
so, semua orang ade semangat baru untuk pergi kerja..
selalunye hari isnin org akan buat muke tak ceria ikhlas x ikhlas je nak pegi keje sok..tapi bukan esok..sebab semua org sebut hooray!!yayyy!!saye nak buat keje sok!!-dengan semangatnye.. two thumbs up!! - itulah dia semangat tahun baru...
Kanak-kanak juge dah mulakan hari persekolahan mereka..
Amar pun akan menempuh hari persekolahan nya sebagai seorang murid darjah 1..bila cari namenye dalam senarai kelas, lalu mendapati ini dia amar!!eh bukan, ni Amar Singh, oh bawah Amar Singh baru Amar Shakir..nampaknye ade 2 Amar dalam 1 kelas..abislah kene bahan ngan kawan..aiyopp..
Sharliz plak dah darjah 4, tahun ni ade kokurikulum, so dia ingat nak ambik ballet, tp dia xmampu nak berdiri dengan hanya 2 ibu jari kaki, mane mungkin dia boleh ber-ballet..ibunye menyarankan supaya dia membatalkan niatnye..
Aku plak??Seperti yg di-brainstormkan sebelum ni, aku dah mula belajar masak..percubaan pertama - nasi goreng, percubaan kedua - mee hoon goreng..he! juge dah beli peralatan utk menguruskan badan..kat tempat kerja plak, dah kene pindah tempat duduk, so dapat tempat baru, azam baru xde, azam mcm biase la..setiap hari adalah hari meng-upgrade kan diri..belajar dari kesilapan, belajar dari pengalaman..he!
To everyone - Semoga sukses di tahun 2011 ni..
Esok merupakan hari pertama atau permulaan baru untuk tahun baru..
so, semua orang ade semangat baru untuk pergi kerja..
selalunye hari isnin org akan buat muke tak ceria ikhlas x ikhlas je nak pegi keje sok..tapi bukan esok..sebab semua org sebut hooray!!yayyy!!saye nak buat keje sok!!-dengan semangatnye.. two thumbs up!! - itulah dia semangat tahun baru...
Kanak-kanak juge dah mulakan hari persekolahan mereka..
Amar pun akan menempuh hari persekolahan nya sebagai seorang murid darjah 1..bila cari namenye dalam senarai kelas, lalu mendapati ini dia amar!!eh bukan, ni Amar Singh, oh bawah Amar Singh baru Amar Shakir..nampaknye ade 2 Amar dalam 1 kelas..abislah kene bahan ngan kawan..aiyopp..
Sharliz plak dah darjah 4, tahun ni ade kokurikulum, so dia ingat nak ambik ballet, tp dia xmampu nak berdiri dengan hanya 2 ibu jari kaki, mane mungkin dia boleh ber-ballet..ibunye menyarankan supaya dia membatalkan niatnye..
Aku plak??Seperti yg di-brainstormkan sebelum ni, aku dah mula belajar masak..percubaan pertama - nasi goreng, percubaan kedua - mee hoon goreng..he! juge dah beli peralatan utk menguruskan badan..kat tempat kerja plak, dah kene pindah tempat duduk, so dapat tempat baru, azam baru xde, azam mcm biase la..setiap hari adalah hari meng-upgrade kan diri..belajar dari kesilapan, belajar dari pengalaman..he!
To everyone - Semoga sukses di tahun 2011 ni..
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New year!!
It's New Year Baby!!
Semua org letak kat post fb pasal "Azam Baru saye adalah....", tp aku tak letak pun.. =(
Sebab x tau nak letak azam ape??
So, di blog ini, aku akan cube brainstorm apekah azam aku tahun ni??
1. Nak naik gaji - boleh ke azam naik gaji??tuh patot azam bos - "Azam saye thn ni nak naik kan gaji pekerja2 saya terutama sekali Syanim budak yg selalu balik awal tuh.."kate bos di dalam hati..seronoknye!!amin..amin..
2. Nak tambah ketinggian - Mustahil..mustahil..i'm 23 years old already.. =(
3. Nak tambah koleksi baju, selendang, sluar, sampai x muat almari - Adakah ini azam atau nafsu??
4. Nak belajar masak - Nak kawen dah ke tahun baru ni??Lambat lg..relax dulu..tp bley consider la..nanti bile dah nak kawen dah terror masak..
5. Nak tingkatkan prestasi kerja - Ini azam setiap hari..dah x 'baru' la nak buat azam tahun baru..boring~
6. Nak kuruskan badan - erm..sound good..berat pun dah naik ni..
7. Out of idea..
Dengan ini..berdasarkan senarai2 di atas, saye mendapati azam saye tahun ini adalah
Nak Belajar Memasak dan Kuruskan Badan..mencabar sungguh azam tahun baru ku ini..
Lets post this to my facebook..let the world know!!weeeee~
Semua org letak kat post fb pasal "Azam Baru saye adalah....", tp aku tak letak pun.. =(
Sebab x tau nak letak azam ape??
So, di blog ini, aku akan cube brainstorm apekah azam aku tahun ni??
1. Nak naik gaji - boleh ke azam naik gaji??tuh patot azam bos - "Azam saye thn ni nak naik kan gaji pekerja2 saya terutama sekali Syanim budak yg selalu balik awal tuh.."kate bos di dalam hati..seronoknye!!amin..amin..
2. Nak tambah ketinggian - Mustahil..mustahil..i'm 23 years old already.. =(
3. Nak tambah koleksi baju, selendang, sluar, sampai x muat almari - Adakah ini azam atau nafsu??
4. Nak belajar masak - Nak kawen dah ke tahun baru ni??Lambat lg..relax dulu..tp bley consider la..nanti bile dah nak kawen dah terror masak..
5. Nak tingkatkan prestasi kerja - Ini azam setiap hari..dah x 'baru' la nak buat azam tahun baru..boring~
6. Nak kuruskan badan - erm..sound good..berat pun dah naik ni..
7. Out of idea..
Dengan ini..berdasarkan senarai2 di atas, saye mendapati azam saye tahun ini adalah
Nak Belajar Memasak dan Kuruskan Badan..mencabar sungguh azam tahun baru ku ini..
Lets post this to my facebook..let the world know!!weeeee~
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