Sebagai seorang wanita anda pasti suka menjaga kecantikan..
kalau boleh nak muda sentiasa, xnak nampak tua..
Bagi yang muka bermasalah..mesti cari mcm2 jenis produk utk hilangkan masalah2 yg ade kat muka tuh..
Tapi..sanggupkah anda menjadi cantik dengan membayar lebih?habiskan beribu2 ringgit?
bagi yg ber-wang, of course lah sanggup kan..
mcm mane bg org yg baru keje setahun..?are u willing to sacrifice your money??mesti ramai kate, kalau muka teruk ape salahnye kan??
but in MY case..i dont hv any major problem on my face..masalah2 biase je..blackhead, whitehead, warne kulit x sekate,liang roma terbuka..which is NOT a big problem at all..i know most of the people out there facing the same skin problem as i do..

Even in this pic, u can see uneven skin tone..which i dont need to spend thousand Ringgit for these kind of problem..
Malangnye, saya telah terjebak utk membuat satu rawatan muke yg berharga around RM3k..ok..that is not CHEAP!!saye menyesal..
This is what happen..i was plan to watch X-men with my office-mate, lepas beli ticket lalu depan kedai kecantikan Adeline..ya..u all know, pekerja kat situ suke bwat promotion, tarik2 ajak masuk kedai..then kene basuh..ckp muke u kedut,badan u gemok, mari sini saye ade promotion blablabla~
i know, i dont need this treatment..confirm mahal..xmampu..or even mampu pn, i still dont need this..boleh pergi shopping lg best..but it getting worse..saye terpedaya dan setuju utk facial percubaan that only cost RM100 somethg..but its ok..i can afford it..
Then puan2, wanita2 sekalian, dia bwk ak masuk bilik, suruh aku buat facial treatment that cost RM3k..that one after discount ley..kalo tak harge dia RM6k..sekarang tgh promotion..better cepat!zero %!menarik..u can swipe for 24 months..monthly only RM100 somethg..berbaloi utk dptkan kulit yg cantik..they will pampered u 2 hours lebih..include facial eye treatment lg..i janji 100% muke u x akan ade liang terbuka..mesti buat keputusan sekarang!now!-wow!wow!and wow!yeah..kate nafsuku..
then i gave my card..but they swiped for 12 months instead of 24 months..TIPU!!!but what should i do?they swiped already..then sign aje lo..lepas kluar kedai 10 tapak tibe2 rase menyesal..siap konfius?td ak swipe 3k ke 2k???duhh..
I thought to cancel the transaction, and came to the boutique once again the next day in the morning..siap tunggu depan kedai tunggu kedai bukak..bring my parents too..i was thinking that, i still haven't used their product nor their said- u got 1 week mase bertenang, so within the week u may go on or cancel the purchasing..BUT, they (Adeline) wont let me cancel it..damn!aku siap pergi Tribunal Pengguna x fight smpai abis..coz naik penat dah..asyik masuk ofis lambat je..kpale otak pn x ley fokus buat i did signed the contract..which make me think - aku boleh menang ke ni??hukhuk.. here i am..have to bear the cost..give them a chance coz they asked for it..kt tgk la,betol ke tidak ko pnye 100% liang roma tertutup..?!However, i am sad coz my 3k terbang begitu sahaja..
What am i going to say here..i regret ok..but have for the girl out there..sekarang mmg banyak gile org gile duit..muke kau takde masalah pn dia akan ckp muke ko bermasalah..janji dia dapat duit..girls mmg senang terpengaruh..yeah..especially a girl like me..haha!why?why?punah harapan nak pergi bercuti!!isk2..lastly, try to control ur nafsu girl..
In a positive way, i love to be pampered, i also like all those beauty care like spas, facial since i was a student..i always wish that one day i will go this place and want them to treat me like im a princess..and here i am..tadaaaa!!
So, i will give a testimoni after i done all the treatment..thats all..will write again later..
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