Thursday, December 8, 2011

So fast!

Hello once again i would like to type a post in a fastest way which is type fastly like i've did before but in will be in u can see how funny my english what am i goin to write today??hurm..well, i never told u anything about my senior hv been transfered to her new office because she want to follow her husband..before this they live separately so they cant be so far from each other like the twilight movie..haha!what am i typing here?this is personal!

well, lets move,now im all alone doing all the work that actually normally i will cooperate with her and assist her but now i hv to do it all alone which make me very afraid because before this she alwaaays find something wrong with my i hv to make sure that all my work are correctly i do that??huh..thats hard to tell..

Currently im addicted in hearing the whole album from twilight movie(breaking dawn) which is sooo romantic make me suddenly so romantic too..haha!well, uall should try to hear the album it sso nice and this whole week i kept on playing the whole album while doin my work..i dont know whether thus album cn help me from not doing any mistake while working..duhh..

what else i would like to update..yes!im gaining a kg which make me so now im really on a diet..i eat a small amount of rice..very small amount and take a lot of lauk..yeah..i dont know what is lauk in hope that u'll understand..including today so this is my third day of dieting and hopefully i can do it..yes!i can do it!

Well, dats all for now so i shud stop typing errors many red colours line under my word..haha!at least i  tried something new even though look stupid but who cares?well..gotta a lot of work to do..type a new post soon..daa~

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