The above shows how lonely my blog pun the diary of the unfamous kan?who is going to read it anyway??I even follow others blog privately so that people wont discover my blog..i dont even put my blog's address in facebook..i just dont simply tell anyone that i have a blog..and that is because im so so so not confident with myself..
Then my friend asked me to expose my blog like others..kau kena confident!ni la orang melayu x confident sbb tuh senang2 kene tindas dengan orang bangsa lain!<----isu perkauman di sini..
Now let me tell u why i'm sooooo not confident with myself:

1. sebab saye x secantik, se-sexy,se-famous,se-semanis senyuman Megan Fox..walaupun Megan Fox bukan blogger tp suke aku la nk bg dia sbg contoh..
2. Writing saya macam sampah..suke buat ayat2 SMS (x = tak, xde = tak ade, etc) serta merosakkan bahasa Melayu ( cth seperti point No 1 di atas)..cikgu Bahasa Melayu pasti marah.. sorry cikgu.. =(
3. Takde panggilan pengganti name yg tetap..kejap aku, kejap i, kejap saye..
4. Bila aku tulis blog aku akan berfikir, and it takes about 1 hour to bina ayat yg sesuai dan saye x gemar berfikir..lalu tekan backspace backspace backspace trus tekan pangkah dan tido!
5. Org kate "ala..ko banyak kan letak gambar..gambar2 sexy ke." Ingin saye katekan di sini:
a) saye x sexy
b) saye bukan camwhore tanpa iki.. =(
c) saye xde digital camera, camera dlsr,ldsr,sdlr??argghh..whatever..i dont hv any of it!
5. Tiade ape yg menarik hari ini, hari esok, tulat dan seterusnye..aktiviti yg saye slalu buat adelah:
dan sekarang saye banyak abiskan mase di....
so..should i or should not i expose my blog??
i should..
i should not!
i should..
no u wont!!
why can't i??
becoz if u do that ur blog turn from unfamous to famous!!
and that was the story why i didnt expose my blog until now..
- the end -
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