Saturday, January 3, 2009

A to Z bookstore

Semalam ade class English..drpd skolah rendah sampai masuk U pun belajar English lagi..tuh pun tak pandai2 lagi..isk2..

well, that was the 1st class for my 4th sem..adelah cite sikit2 pasal topik yang akan dipelajari, blablabla n blablabla.. pastu kene beli buku plak..dialognye berbunyi begini..

L : next week i want u to have this book..u can find it in ABC?AB? what bookstore?i just don't remember the name.

S : (interrupt) A to Z sir..

L : A to Z bookstore?ok..u all can get this book at A to Z bookstore in Pusat Komersial.

lepastu tadi adalah budak msg tanye kedai A to Z tuh bukak lagi x? so aku ckplah aku tak tau..

n then dia msg shiha plak bgtau yg dia pegi kedai A to Z tu tapi kenape takde jual buku pun?

well, actually..mase kat kelas tuh aku hentam je sebut A to Z..tak sangke plak sir tuh percaye..aku sebenarnye nak tolong dia mengingat name kedai tu..

dan kebetulan mmg ade kedai tuh, tapi tuh bukan bookstore, tuh kdai photostate dan alat tulis..sorry kawan2..mesti korang bersusah payah kan cari buku tuh kat kedai A to Z..

sorry sgt2..haha!

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