ini faisal..mate bengkak..bangun kul4 pagi kononnye
teka mane 1 awek faisal..haha!

iki dengan fesyen terbarunye..he!
i've been here in kL for about a week since Sunday..iki dengan fesyen terbarunye..he!
kononnye nak settlekan thesis sbb tuh setelkan duk sini lame2..
sebaliknye aku hanye duk mlepak kat uma iki je..hikhik..
so, today nak balik jB dah saing budak2 ni sbb mak dah bising duk uma org lame2..isk2..x malu betol aku ni..
however, aku tak rase cam lame pun duk uma iki..coz u know sbb ade iki di sisi..(ki, terharu tak?)
so, this is what i did spjg kat kL..
g ambik thesis kat UitM...bangun kul6a.m and gerak kul7.00a.m. coz takot jem..
sampai UitM awal main snap2 gambar..lame x ambik gamba together-gether..lame sehinggakan tudung aku dah turun kaler..dah tak itam sgt dah..must go and buy new one..heee!
the next day, iki ade interview..temankan dia interview..iki's 1st interview..
that night after interview lepak kat iJN..buat benda tak berfaedah..hikhik..then g keramat, Along iki belanje makan..thanks akak iki..
then juz lepak2 kat uma iki..reka2 fesyen terbaru utk digayakan..
that's all..dworg smua dah habis mkn..aku kene cepat abiskan post ni..
see you next time iki..
thanks for everything..
best friend forever!muaaahhhxx!!
cop!cop!good news!!iki just got offer to work..start 1 Julai!!same ngan aku!
high five!!
see you next time iki..
thanks for everything..
best friend forever!muaaahhhxx!!
cop!cop!good news!!iki just got offer to work..start 1 Julai!!same ngan aku!
high five!!
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