Friday, February 6, 2009

kepale ting tong~

Last night, i just invest rm400 to Steven's Tea Garden.

and now i have to think about my thesis..I've done only 1 topic which is only the introduction suppose to be 3 topics!no idea..1 day left to finish up my proposal..

my class, everyday at the same time, in same level, and almost everyday i'm using the same toilet..

As usual, at 8.30am..class started..

i had a tutorial on construction technology..

my mind still thinking over my money, my thesis..shit!i don't have any idea..

while doin' the tutorial, i felt like want to kodo' hajat..yeah..i need toilet..leave the tutorial alone..

walk fast..(my mind still thinking about my money, my thesis)

left?right?which one is female?left?right?why i suddenly become stupid huh?i decided to go left..because the interior is pink..girl is pink, boys are blue..normally~

there's a girl behind me just now?where is she?

aiyak!!!wrong toilet!shit!i need something to cover up my face..malunyeee!!!

P/S-Keputusannye - Thesis kene, ambik tajuk iki yg no 2..sbb dia pnye 1st proposal dah lulus..thanks to iki..weeeeee~

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