im writing again ..hehe! erm..tadi dekat danga city mall ade iT fair..so..here I am..writing my post using sony tablet yg baru beli tadi..weehee!lepastu ade lucky draw..well, I am lucky coz td menang speaker and 4G pendrive..happynye! I dont know why, but I just love sony even though currently samsung at the top among other brands..
hurm..ade banyak bende nak cite..since I got my own tablet, pasni bleylah slalu update blog ni..im very excited..see..dah 2.50am and still not sleeping..haha!oklah..will update later, lets get some sleep..oh, btw esok ade lg 2 session utk lucky draw..so ade chances utk menang samsung s3..seronoknye kalau menang! hee!
ok..dont get to excited...zzzzzz..
The Diary of The Unfamous
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Hye kawan2!! Lame gila kan x update blog..tibe-tibe post title "KAWEN"?? *drum roll please*
Tulisan sape la yg cantik sangat tu..haha! Please ignore background pic..kadang2 tengah kerja kite hendaklah merehatkan minda dan berbincang ngan kawan2 perkara yg lebih penting..setuju x?
Nampak x?nampak x?skrg nak kawen kene ade more than RM20k tau..lepas kawen, ko kene pikir duit jugak..rumah, kereta, anak and blablabla..and of course responsibility sbg seorg yg dah berumahtangga..jangan ingat duit je..tp mmg duit penting..huhu..camne ni?
Ni plak cost jika pasangan anda jauh dari semenanjung..mungkin jejaka dari Paris ke..wei,30k tau..mahal tu..bley beli rumah murah..tak pun bley honeymoon jauh2..
So para muda mudi, jangan tunggu nak kawen baru nak simpan duit..menyimpanlah dari sekarang!now!now!dari sekolah rendah,atau dari tadika kalo bley!menabunglah..utk kawen, utk sambung belajar, beli rumah, bercuti, blablabla..
Ok,bukan ni je ceritanya..tiade yg mustahil..bila kau nak kawen nanti, mesti ade rezekinya..tulah yg orang2 yg dah berkawen akan cakap..huhu..ramai gak di kala umur2 begini kawan yang kawen..
Ingat lagi x?ingat x budak kat atas ni..dah kawen dah dworang tau..
Memang wajar la kawen kan, bercinta since sekolah menengah..oh, seronoknye kamu bercinta hingga ke anak cucu la ye..ku doakan kamu bahagia..hee!
Before that..berbulan bulan sebelumnye..my brother Roy pn dah menamatkan zaman bujangnye..ni cite zaman Tok Kaduk ni..lame gila tak update..ade lagi yang before pnye before pnye before yang kawen..haha!see..dworang ni semua yang dah kawen akan cakap.."bila tiba jodohnya..pasti ade rezekinya.."
TAPI..ade tapi di situ..janganlah ko harapkan rezeki jatuh dari langit..usaha kene ade k..bagi kawan2 ku yang plan nak kawen, YAKIN BOLEH!!haha!yeay!majulah perkahwinan untuk negara...
Hubungan yang sihat dan diredhai Allah hendaklah di utamakan..Selamatkan lah muda mudi Malaysia,,haha!kurangkan Kontroversi, Tingkatkan Ketaqwaan..
lalalala~lepas kawen kita lari~lari~macam dalam gambar di atas..~
Please..please..its not me ok..memang naakk sangat kawen (berbunyi miang di situ) tapi..tapi..sob..sob..$$$$XXX??oh dunia..kenape kau kejam..yes my friend, ko ingat senang nak kawen?take a look at this roughly budget discussion tru whatsapp..hewhew..
Tulisan sape la yg cantik sangat tu..haha! Please ignore background pic..kadang2 tengah kerja kite hendaklah merehatkan minda dan berbincang ngan kawan2 perkara yg lebih penting..setuju x?
Nampak x?nampak x?skrg nak kawen kene ade more than RM20k tau..lepas kawen, ko kene pikir duit jugak..rumah, kereta, anak and blablabla..and of course responsibility sbg seorg yg dah berumahtangga..jangan ingat duit je..tp mmg duit penting..huhu..camne ni?
Ni plak cost jika pasangan anda jauh dari semenanjung..mungkin jejaka dari Paris ke..wei,30k tau..mahal tu..bley beli rumah murah..tak pun bley honeymoon jauh2..
So para muda mudi, jangan tunggu nak kawen baru nak simpan duit..menyimpanlah dari sekarang!now!now!dari sekolah rendah,atau dari tadika kalo bley!menabunglah..utk kawen, utk sambung belajar, beli rumah, bercuti, blablabla..
Ok,bukan ni je ceritanya..tiade yg mustahil..bila kau nak kawen nanti, mesti ade rezekinya..tulah yg orang2 yg dah berkawen akan cakap..huhu..ramai gak di kala umur2 begini kawan yang kawen..
Ingat lagi x?ingat x budak kat atas ni..dah kawen dah dworang tau..
tak ku sangka..gosip2 liar cinta mereka kini menjadi satu doa dan berkahwen lah mereka..tahniah..
Sebelum itu, dalam 4 anak dara yang kat bawah , sorang dah kawen dah..mujur baru 1/4 yang dah kawen..kalo 3/4..argghh..stress la nanti..kuikui..ye ke? bwat ape nak stress kan?relax r..chill..chill.. (ayat sedapka hati)hewhew..
Before that..berbulan bulan sebelumnye..my brother Roy pn dah menamatkan zaman bujangnye..ni cite zaman Tok Kaduk ni..lame gila tak update..ade lagi yang before pnye before pnye before yang kawen..haha!see..dworang ni semua yang dah kawen akan cakap.."bila tiba jodohnya..pasti ade rezekinya.."
TAPI..ade tapi di situ..janganlah ko harapkan rezeki jatuh dari langit..usaha kene ade k..bagi kawan2 ku yang plan nak kawen, YAKIN BOLEH!!haha!yeay!majulah perkahwinan untuk negara...
Hubungan yang sihat dan diredhai Allah hendaklah di utamakan..Selamatkan lah muda mudi Malaysia,,haha!kurangkan Kontroversi, Tingkatkan Ketaqwaan..
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak habis tahun 2011..gile skejap mase tuh berlalu..yg peliknye aku nampak muda je lg..haha! mesti sakit hati bace kn?kn?sabar ok..sapelah yg nak puji kalau bukan diri sdiri..
ok..ape nk cerite?pasal azam 2011 aku dgn dukacitanya nk bgtau aku gagal..berat x turun..masak pn bley dikire berape kali..hukhuk..sedihnye..malas la nak buat azam thn 2012..nnti gagal lagi..
Last day of 2011, aku bangun tdo lambat, bangun2 pegi setelkan hutang kat w1max..dah 3 bln xbyr rupenye..sbb tuh fb aku diam seribu bahasa..lepastu jalan sorang2 pergi beli cd..beli cd banyak gile tp bile sampai uma bukak www.maaduu.com layan cte korea online..oh perempuan..nafsu mu kalau x dibendung camni la jadinye..nampak bende semua nak beli..lepas layan korea tgk2 dah malam..ni la dia, kalau bangun lambat hari mu xberape nk bermakna..oleh itu bangun la pagi..banyak bende bley buat..
xtau la ape nk update lg?nnti la sambung cte lg..sorryla bazirkan mase korg utk bace post yg xbyk isi ni..haha!k.bye!
Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak habis tahun 2011..gile skejap mase tuh berlalu..yg peliknye aku nampak muda je lg..haha! mesti sakit hati bace kn?kn?sabar ok..sapelah yg nak puji kalau bukan diri sdiri..
ok..ape nk cerite?pasal azam 2011 aku dgn dukacitanya nk bgtau aku gagal..berat x turun..masak pn bley dikire berape kali..hukhuk..sedihnye..malas la nak buat azam thn 2012..nnti gagal lagi..
Last day of 2011, aku bangun tdo lambat, bangun2 pegi setelkan hutang kat w1max..dah 3 bln xbyr rupenye..sbb tuh fb aku diam seribu bahasa..lepastu jalan sorang2 pergi beli cd..beli cd banyak gile tp bile sampai uma bukak www.maaduu.com layan cte korea online..oh perempuan..nafsu mu kalau x dibendung camni la jadinye..nampak bende semua nak beli..lepas layan korea tgk2 dah malam..ni la dia, kalau bangun lambat hari mu xberape nk bermakna..oleh itu bangun la pagi..banyak bende bley buat..
xtau la ape nk update lg?nnti la sambung cte lg..sorryla bazirkan mase korg utk bace post yg xbyk isi ni..haha!k.bye!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Study vs Working
Study; when u score 80% above you are excellent!
Working; if u score 80% you are not good enough..
Working is like u'r in an exam and expected to have perfect score!
Working is tiring, damn!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
So fast!
Hello everyone..today once again i would like to type a post in a fastest way which is type fastly like i've did before but in malay..today will be in english..so u can see how funny my english is..so what am i goin to write today??hurm..well, i never told u anything about my senior hv been transfered to her new office because she want to follow her husband..before this they live separately so they cant be so far from each other like the twilight movie..haha!what am i typing here?this is personal!
well, lets move on..so,now im all alone doing all the work that actually normally i will cooperate with her and assist her but now i hv to do it all alone which make me very afraid because before this she alwaaays find something wrong with my work..so i hv to make sure that all my work are correctly done..cn i do that??huh..thats hard to tell..
Currently im addicted in hearing the whole album from twilight movie(breaking dawn) which is sooo romantic make me suddenly so romantic too..haha!well, uall should try to hear the album it sso nice and this whole week i kept on playing the whole album while doin my work..i dont know whether thus album cn help me from not doing any mistake while working..duhh..
what else i would like to update..yes!im gaining a kg which make me so stress..so now im really on a diet..i eat a small amount of rice..very small amount and take a lot of lauk..yeah..i dont know what is lauk in english..so hope that u'll understand..including today so this is my third day of dieting and hopefully i can do it..yes!i can do it!
Well, dats all for now so i shud stop typing errors here..so many red colours line under my word..haha!at least i tried something new even though look stupid but who cares?well..gotta go..got a lot of work to do..type a new post soon..daa~
well, lets move on..so,now im all alone doing all the work that actually normally i will cooperate with her and assist her but now i hv to do it all alone which make me very afraid because before this she alwaaays find something wrong with my work..so i hv to make sure that all my work are correctly done..cn i do that??huh..thats hard to tell..
Currently im addicted in hearing the whole album from twilight movie(breaking dawn) which is sooo romantic make me suddenly so romantic too..haha!well, uall should try to hear the album it sso nice and this whole week i kept on playing the whole album while doin my work..i dont know whether thus album cn help me from not doing any mistake while working..duhh..
what else i would like to update..yes!im gaining a kg which make me so stress..so now im really on a diet..i eat a small amount of rice..very small amount and take a lot of lauk..yeah..i dont know what is lauk in english..so hope that u'll understand..including today so this is my third day of dieting and hopefully i can do it..yes!i can do it!
Well, dats all for now so i shud stop typing errors here..so many red colours line under my word..haha!at least i tried something new even though look stupid but who cares?well..gotta go..got a lot of work to do..type a new post soon..daa~
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Yuna na na na~
Ok..sape yg tak tengok AIM? I dont want to comment about anything else but only Yuna..yeah..
By the way i'm not really fan of Yuna..biase2 je la..so takde isu berat sebelah atau "oh..ko peminat Yuna patotla ko puji2 dia.."
1st sekali nk luahkan kat sini i'm impress with Yuna..from Myspace to around the World la beb..why i dont have any talent that can impress Malaysia?hu..jeles nye dgn Yuna..hukhuk!neway, Congratz!
2nd, bile bace kat tweet, adelah org x puas ati, why Yuna u wearing hijab like that?why that?why this?funny and whatsoever..ok la..come on..she is an artist la..need somethg yg menonjol..or maybe org akan ckp ala..pakai biase2 je x bley ke?pn cantik gak..actually sesuai dgn profesyen dia sbg artis, and nk bwat performance kan..so dia nk pkai cam sarang tebuan ke, sarang burung layang2 ke, well its ok as long as it suitable with the event she attend..laen la kalo g shopping complex pkai gitu kan..aku pn gelak gak..gelak guling2 mcm tenggiling..haha!
By the way i'm not really fan of Yuna..biase2 je la..so takde isu berat sebelah atau "oh..ko peminat Yuna patotla ko puji2 dia.."
1st sekali nk luahkan kat sini i'm impress with Yuna..from Myspace to around the World la beb..why i dont have any talent that can impress Malaysia?hu..jeles nye dgn Yuna..hukhuk!neway, Congratz!
2nd, bile bace kat tweet, adelah org x puas ati, why Yuna u wearing hijab like that?why that?why this?funny and whatsoever..ok la..come on..she is an artist la..need somethg yg menonjol..or maybe org akan ckp ala..pakai biase2 je x bley ke?pn cantik gak..actually sesuai dgn profesyen dia sbg artis, and nk bwat performance kan..so dia nk pkai cam sarang tebuan ke, sarang burung layang2 ke, well its ok as long as it suitable with the event she attend..laen la kalo g shopping complex pkai gitu kan..aku pn gelak gak..gelak guling2 mcm tenggiling..haha!
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i like this pic..he!sumber dari Google..ngee! Last skali, saku rase pelik dgn baju yg Najwa pakai..mcm pengawas..hikhik!ok sorry..lari duluuuuuu~~~vrooommmm!~ -end- |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I'm stress with myself
Walaupun hidup dah nak dekat 25 tahun, arrrrrgghh!!stress!!dah tua..isk2..rase mcm bru smlm lepas SPM!!tidaaakkk!!
ok..sambung balik..idup dah nk dekat 25 tahun tp still -aaaarrgghh!!stresss!!
umur hampir 25 tahun, aaaarggghh!tidak!tidak!
ehem..ok..sambung balik but skip the numbers part..tarik nafaaas,lepaaas...haaaaaafuhhhhh...
umur ditto TAPI.. still xbley control diri sendiri..yeay!berjaya abiskan ayat.. =D
Aku plan nak kurangkn berat badan or in other word nk kuruskan badan, tp xmampu jugak nak bwat! i can't control myself!! HELP! Ni azam tahun 2011 tau!! Tp dah nak ujung tahun nampak gaya mcm akan fail je!
Lagi kate nak kurus lagi banyak roti canai aku makan!Just imagine that for today Breakfast - 2 keping roti canai, Lunch - nasi lemak + ayam McD, Dinner - nasi 2 kali tambah + sambal udang, Supper - Ayam Goreng McD + half fillet o fish + fries + sundae coklat...kenape supper begitu banyak??
I did jogging every weekend, but after that i eat as usual..nasi lemak, roti canai..benci!benci!camne nk control diri ni?? It's not easy to stay fit..What should i do??
1. Beli jus mate 5?
2. Pergi gym?
3. Cari pakar pemakanan utk jage aku? or
4. Give a chance for myself to control itself?
the last suggestion seems to be free..hurmm...
Ok..lets choose the last one..I choose number 4!!
Starting from tomorrow, me Syanim will control myself by not eating so much food and make sure that my weight reduced until it reach the right figure..
ok..sambung balik..idup dah nk dekat 25 tahun tp still -aaaarrgghh!!stresss!!
umur hampir 25 tahun, aaaarggghh!tidak!tidak!
ehem..ok..sambung balik but skip the numbers part..tarik nafaaas,lepaaas...haaaaaafuhhhhh...
umur ditto TAPI.. still xbley control diri sendiri..yeay!berjaya abiskan ayat.. =D
Aku plan nak kurangkn berat badan or in other word nk kuruskan badan, tp xmampu jugak nak bwat! i can't control myself!! HELP! Ni azam tahun 2011 tau!! Tp dah nak ujung tahun nampak gaya mcm akan fail je!
Lagi kate nak kurus lagi banyak roti canai aku makan!Just imagine that for today Breakfast - 2 keping roti canai, Lunch - nasi lemak + ayam McD, Dinner - nasi 2 kali tambah + sambal udang, Supper - Ayam Goreng McD + half fillet o fish + fries + sundae coklat...kenape supper begitu banyak??
I did jogging every weekend, but after that i eat as usual..nasi lemak, roti canai..benci!benci!camne nk control diri ni?? It's not easy to stay fit..What should i do??
1. Beli jus mate 5?
2. Pergi gym?
3. Cari pakar pemakanan utk jage aku? or
4. Give a chance for myself to control itself?
the last suggestion seems to be free..hurmm...
Ok..lets choose the last one..I choose number 4!!
Starting from tomorrow, me Syanim will control myself by not eating so much food and make sure that my weight reduced until it reach the right figure..
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