By the way i'm not really fan of Yuna..biase2 je takde isu berat sebelah atau "oh..ko peminat Yuna patotla ko puji2 dia.."
1st sekali nk luahkan kat sini i'm impress with Yuna..from Myspace to around the World la beb..why i dont have any talent that can impress Malaysia?hu..jeles nye dgn Yuna..hukhuk!neway, Congratz!
2nd, bile bace kat tweet, adelah org x puas ati, why Yuna u wearing hijab like that?why that?why this?funny and whatsoever..ok la..come on..she is an artist la..need somethg yg menonjol..or maybe org akan ckp ala..pakai biase2 je x bley ke?pn cantik gak..actually sesuai dgn profesyen dia sbg artis, and nk bwat performance dia nk pkai cam sarang tebuan ke, sarang burung layang2 ke, well its ok as long as it suitable with the event she attend..laen la kalo g shopping complex pkai gitu kan..aku pn gelak gak..gelak guling2 mcm tenggiling..haha!
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i like this pic..he!sumber dari Google..ngee! Last skali, saku rase pelik dgn baju yg Najwa pakai..mcm pengawas..hikhik!ok sorry..lari duluuuuuu~~~vrooommmm!~ -end- |