Walaupun hidup dah nak dekat 25 tahun, arrrrrgghh!!stress!!dah tua..isk2..rase mcm bru smlm lepas SPM!!tidaaakkk!!
ok..sambung balik..idup dah nk dekat 25 tahun tp still -aaaarrgghh!!stresss!!
umur hampir 25 tahun, aaaarggghh!tidak!tidak!
ehem..ok..sambung balik but skip the numbers part..tarik nafaaas,lepaaas...haaaaaafuhhhhh...
umur ditto TAPI.. still xbley control diri sendiri..yeay!berjaya abiskan ayat.. =D
Aku plan nak kurangkn berat badan or in other word nk kuruskan badan, tp xmampu jugak nak bwat! i can't control myself!! HELP! Ni azam tahun 2011 tau!! Tp dah nak ujung tahun nampak gaya mcm akan fail je!
Lagi kate nak kurus lagi banyak roti canai aku makan!Just imagine that for today Breakfast - 2 keping roti canai, Lunch - nasi lemak + ayam McD, Dinner - nasi 2 kali tambah + sambal udang, Supper - Ayam Goreng McD + half fillet o fish + fries + sundae coklat...kenape supper begitu banyak??
I did jogging every weekend, but after that i eat as usual..nasi lemak, roti canai..benci!benci!camne nk control diri ni?? It's not easy to stay fit..What should i do??
1. Beli jus mate 5?
2. Pergi gym?
3. Cari pakar pemakanan utk jage aku? or
4. Give a chance for myself to control itself?
the last suggestion seems to be free..hurmm...
Ok..lets choose the last one..I choose number 4!!
Starting from tomorrow, me Syanim will control myself by not eating so much food and make sure that my weight reduced until it reach the right figure..
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Its October!
Did u know that my birthday is on October?u didn't know???how could u!!hukhuk!
however, skrg dah tau kan birthday aku..so please go to the nearest mall and find somethg for my birthday present..ngahaha!
Besides that, i also want to share with u, di bulan October ni jugaklah lahirnya anak sedare aku - Adam Muizz..alo..kucikucikuci!
By looking at this picture what will be ur first impression agaknye kan??haha! Tak boleh lupe, kalo jumpe mesti nak ketawe sampai senak2 perut cam wat sit up je..
Now we all grown up..bkn Deeya je bestfriend aku..i got the other 2, Jiebah and Syaz..when in JB we always hang out together..so, bile time blajar kat Perak, Shah Alam, that was the time when we were separated but still not forget each other..now one of us engaged and 3 left..so turn sape plak lpas ni kn?jengjengjeng!
Dear BFFs, i hope that we will always be friend and never forget each other.. even though i never post about u guys in this blog that i called unfamous diary, u are always in my heart..i always wanted to write somethg about u guys here, but i dont know where to start?there's a lot to tell about..so this must be the beginning..he!
Dear Deeya, u are my best buddies, walaupun perkenalan kita adalah ketika ko menyebabkan aku di rotan cikgu sains sbb ko suroh aku announce kat kelas ckp xde kelas, tp aku xpernah menyimpan dendam,and its the funniest memory ever..happy birthday beb!we're getting older!!arrghh!stress!!
Did u know that my birthday is on October?u didn't know???how could u!!hukhuk!
however, skrg dah tau kan birthday aku..so please go to the nearest mall and find somethg for my birthday present..ngahaha!
Besides that, i also want to share with u, di bulan October ni jugaklah lahirnya anak sedare aku - Adam Muizz..alo..kucikucikuci!
Juga lahirnye my best friend!! Deeya, we are best friend since Standard 5 ok..lame tuh..this is the only picture that i have in my laptop..zaman dolu2 mane ade hp camera lg..time tuh anak2 org kaye je yg pkai hp canggih manggih ni.. i wonder this pic was taken by whom huh?x ingatlah..
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we were both young when i first saw u~ |
Now we all grown up..bkn Deeya je bestfriend aku..i got the other 2, Jiebah and Syaz..when in JB we always hang out together..so, bile time blajar kat Perak, Shah Alam, that was the time when we were separated but still not forget each other..now one of us engaged and 3 left..so turn sape plak lpas ni kn?jengjengjeng!
jangan tungu lama2..nanti lama2..dia diambil orang~ |
Dear BFFs, i hope that we will always be friend and never forget each other.. even though i never post about u guys in this blog that i called unfamous diary, u are always in my heart..i always wanted to write somethg about u guys here, but i dont know where to start?there's a lot to tell about..so this must be the beginning..he!
Dear Deeya, u are my best buddies, walaupun perkenalan kita adalah ketika ko menyebabkan aku di rotan cikgu sains sbb ko suroh aku announce kat kelas ckp xde kelas, tp aku xpernah menyimpan dendam,and its the funniest memory ever..happy birthday beb!we're getting older!!arrghh!stress!!
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