currently smua org bz buat thesis..
and my thesis tgl lg 2 chapter which must be done in 3 weeks..
menambahkan lg rase cuak thesis aku cam x berape nak tebal..jom kitemain kire2..
chapter 1 - 11 pages
chapter 2 - 18 pages
chapter 3 - 14 pages
chapter 4 - blom siap
chapter 5 - blom siap
total pages = 42 pages only..
huhu..katekan lah chapter 4, 15 pages(itupn kalo mampu bwat smpai 15pages??) chapter 5-conclusion and recommendation 2 pages..that would be 62 pages.. :(
adekah ini standard thesis?x cukup tebal ni..waaahhh!!risaunye!!
rase cam nak muntah blk mknan tghari td..(td lunch ikan gorg cicah budu)